Archive for July, 2007

First Lump

Published on July 11, 2007

Well, I can’t exactly call it yarn yet.   I’m clearly not getting usable yarn.  Hopefully, I am getting experience, though.  Figure, I had someone show me how to do this last week, and spent about 2 minutes doing it.  So I came home, read a few informative sites on the internet, and started off.  Since […]

haha – Lazy Kate

Published on July 10, 2007

She thought I was just being my usual rude self. Ha, I was just talking spinning-geek talk.

Twinkie pictures

Published on July 9, 2007

I haven’t knitted in several days.  I could give several worthless reasons.  Here’s two good ones. This fella loves the water, and particularly liked it when his mama lifted up the whole package, him and the tube/seat/sunshade, lifted it all high and dropped him back into the water.  Then mama would toss him out a […]