Archive for September 19th, 2006

LYS – Local Yarn Store??????

Published on September 19, 2006

On Saturday, Kate and I went to the LYS, which is a great misnomer.  “Local” would be defined by what distance?  To me, that means nearby, slightly further than the KwikyMart on the corner, but it shouldn’t involve toll roads, packing a lunch for the trip.  I don’t have a problem that I can’t walk […]

Addi and lace, and insanity

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I’ve finally tried Addi Turbo needles, that I’ve heard and read so much about.  I’ve dreamed of the speed that they promise, but so far, it hasn’t come to me.  To be fair, I do not fault the needles; the problem is sitting right behind them.  I started a lace scarf, an idiot-proof a pattern that should have […]