We spent their inheritance!

Published on January 20, 2021 at 7:24 pm

(Well, part of it!)

After a lot of thinking, discussion, planning, saving and then looking around, searching dealerships in person and online, we made a purchase. We spotted what met our criteria, had all our “must haves”, wasn’t loaded up with stuff we didn’t need/couldn’t afford. Talked at home afterward, agreed privately on a dollar figure well under their asking price, and Paul went back a few days later to negotiate with the salesman.

I snitched the pictures off of the Delmarva RV Center website, did not take them myself. The staff there was terrific to deal with, and we would highly recommend this place! We dealt with the Smyrna location.

Floor plan
Back view

We liked the storage hidden everywhere, and under the bed, too. We really did want a unit with a centered bed with space on either side for storage/night table and electrical outlets for phone and tablet charging.

The kitchen is a nice size for us – we won’t be cooking Thanksgiving dinners for 18 people here!

Bathroom has a medicine cabinet and linen storage, big enough to hold towels, washcloths, and also bed linens. We also wanted (and got!) a tub that has some depth to it. The shallower ones (about 4″ deep!) look like, if you move the wrong way or spread out your arms/elbows to wash your hair, the shower curtain will move and the water will slosh all over the bathroom floor.

We haven’t brought her home yet. The unit will go in for a thorough cleaning, sanitizing to meet the Covid standards. The “outdoor kitchen” will be cleaned up, all connections will be checked. They’ll charge the battery, fill the gas tanks.

We pick her up on the 27th!!

A trip out of the house!!

Published on October 27, 2020 at 12:02 pm

Wow! We needed groceries and went out to Walmart – the highlight of the month, or so it would seem. Spent almost $300, and most of it was groceries, as I stayed out of housewares, doggie goodies, electronics, etc.

But still, I managed to buy stuff I didn’t really need.

Got Paul one, too, with much darker fur.


Published on October 9, 2020 at 11:33 am

Quote that I found in a book. Struck a chord with me, that should no longer be struck, or touched, or remembered.

“You’ll have this moment, forever, here in your heart. Once a love like ours is known, it can never be taken from us, and transcends all barriers – those of mortal law, those of time, and beyond what most can comprehend.”