Archive for the 'Aggravations, Peeves' Category


Published on February 20, 2012

I believe in protecting my family. Anybody that knows me knows how fierce I can be protecting my kids when necessary. I was considered an “over-protective freak” by one person and hardly ever let the kids out of my sight when they were young. I managed to get all 3 of them through their childhoods […]


Published on March 19, 2011

This has meaning in my life. And to preserve my sanity, or what little is left of it, there’s a “Ladies Day” planned for tomorrow. Don’t know if any in this group have any estrogen to spare, but the company is good, we have much in common and there will be enjoyable, laugh-filled conversation. And no […]

Early January update

Published on January 11, 2011

We’ve gotten through the holidays – kids were all here on the weekend before, due to scheduling conflicts, but it worked out well as I had to work on the actual holiday; that’s how it goes when you work in the health care field.  And when daughter and husband went off for a week ALONE, […]